Jan 13, 2020
Today is Handsel Monday! Handsel Monday was once the main and sometimes only holiday of the year in lowland Scotland when rural workers got a day off and received small gifts or handsels from their employers. Falling on the first Monday of the New Year ‘Old Style’,...
Oct 21, 2019
Community excavation In July 2019, together with SWACS and joined by the University of Aberdeen’s Northern Picts Project and EAFS geophysics, we investigated three of the Wemyss Caves and the promontory next to MacDuff’s Castle. The aim of these new...
Oct 14, 2019
Digital documentation and interpretation Explore virtual 4D Wemyss Caves Read the blogs: Part 1, Part 2 The coastline between East Wemyss and Buckhaven in Fife has been eroding rapidly from the mid-20th century, and shows no signs of abating. This short stretch of...
Mar 29, 2018
The nation of the Picts, the Roman-named ‘painted ones’, or possibly the Latin form of a forgotten native name, emerged from the tribal societies of late Iron Age Scotland through resistance to Roman control. Between the 6th and 9th centuries AD, their territories...
Apr 1, 2015
The Wemyss Caves are once again at the centre of a digital whirlwind. Thanks to funding from Fife Council, Historic Scotland and the Heritage Lottery Fund, teams from the York Archaeological Trust, (YAT), SCAPE, and the Save the Wemyss Ancient Caves Society (SWACS)...
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