Nov 11, 2019
Excavation, reconstruction and interpretation Burnt mounds are common sites around Shetland, often found at the coast. They’re usually large mounds of burnt stones which have been heated and then plunged into water, and are always found near a source of fresh water....
Oct 21, 2019
Survey, excavation, sampling Did you know one of the best examples of a submerged forest in Scotland can be found at Lionacleit on the Island of Benbecula? The site was brought to our attention by local residents, and during a glorious week in May 2018, we surveyed,...
Oct 17, 2019
Community excavation and reconstruction The burnt mound at Meur, on Sanday, Orkney, was first noticed after a severe storm in 2005 exposed a stone cist-like box. It was first thought it was a burial so a team of archaeologists was sent in to investigate. The...
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