Oct 21, 2019
Section cleaning, recording and sampling Sna Broch is a Scheduled Monument on the Shetland island of Fetlar. Historic and ongoing coastal erosion has destroyed much of the monument, including the broch tower, but has also revealed fabulous sections across the...
Oct 21, 2019
Section cleaning, recording and sampling In winter of 2013/14 fierce storms exposed masses of archaeological deposits in the coast edge at Channerwick, Bay, on the South Mainland of Shetland. In summer 2015 Archaeology Shetland cleaned and recorded the massive...
Sep 11, 2015
We start our story in December 2012, when winter storms exposed a male human skeleton awkwardly squashed into a too small grave at the foot of the coast edge in Channerwick, Shetland. Investigation of the remains was commissioned by Historic Scotland, and radiocarbon...
Jun 16, 2015
Brochs are amongst the most spectacular of eroding coastal archaeology, and in the course of SCHARP, we have seen and recorded quite a few of them. Many thousands of these towers of the Iron Age would once have been an impressive sight along the coasts of Northern...
Apr 26, 2013
Hello from Orkney, where we’ve spent an amazing couple of weeks exploring eroding coastlines, and encountering world class archaeology in the best company of our SCHARP volunteers and new friends. It’s been the busiest, blowiest and wettest ShoreUPDATE trip yet, and...
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