Here you will find help with using the app, creating a good rapid archaeological site record and links to useful and important information.
Watch a one-minute video introduction to How to use the SCAPE app.
Download a written summary of How to Use the SCAPE app.
Download brief written guidance on How to create a good site record.
Useful information
Weather and tides
We never go anywhere without checking weather and tides. There are plenty of options to choose from to access information. The BBC weather and tide times are always reliable.
Responsible access
In Scotland we have the privilege of right to roam in open countryside, including the coast. The Scottish Outdoor Access code will keep you straight on your rights and responsibilities.
Archaeological finds
Treasure Trove in Scotland sets out the law and how to report chance finds. If you find artefacts at eroding sites, record them in your site record, take photographs and leave them in place. If the find has become dislodged and is in danger of washing away, or you think it is special, take it to your local museum or report it to your local authority archaeologist (find your local archaeologist in the BAJR directory).
Cargo or parts of a ship on the foreshore should be reported to the Receiver of Wreck.
The important stuff
Your health, safety and well-being when out and about at the coast is paramount.
To help you plan safe and enjoyable fieldwork download our Guidelines for volunteers for keeping safe at the coast and SCAPE’s model risk assessment for volunteers. Adapt this handy document to your specific circumstances.
You can refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Notice at any time for more detailed information about our health and safety policy and how we use your submitted content and look after any data we hold about you.