Jul 31, 2013
In our latest ShoreDIG project, the SCHARP team have joined forces with locally-based archaeologists to investigate archaeological remains revealed by storm damage over the winter of 2012/2013. Stone walls and thick layers of ash, shell and other rubbish deposits have...
Jul 7, 2013
“Chan ann tric a tha e mar seo” thubhairt Anndra fhads a bha e a’ stiùireadh a’ bhàta tro uisgeachan àlainn Caolas Phabaigh, air latha breatha samhraidh. Bha sinn air ar slighe a’ Phabaigh Mhòr air taobh siar Leòdhais, le buidheann de luchd-obrach saor-thoileach...
Jul 6, 2013
“It’s NEVER like this” said Andrew leaning forward from the tiller of his boat in shimmering heat on the flat-calm, turquoise sea of the Caolas Phabaigh (Straits of Pabay). We are on our way to the island of Pabaigh Mor on the west coast of Lewis with new volunteers...
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